Friday, June 11, 2010


Masa kecik2 dulu, tebu cuma ditanam tepi pagar rumah.
Bila parents tebang tebu, dibuang daun dan di potong pendek2, maka bermulalah acara makan tebu mereka adik beradik.
Parents memang galakkan mereka makan tebu, bagus untuk kesihatan gigi.
Nak tunjuk gigi siapa kuat, berlumba-lumbalah mereka buang kulit tebu yang keras dengan gigi. Gigi juga digunakan untuk potong tebu kecik2 untuk kemudiannya dikunyah dan dinikmati kemanisannya.
Yang nak tunjuk lagi terer, ruas tebu tu pun digigit.
Bila mak tengok hampas2 tebu bersepah-sepah di laman, siaplah kena marah..

Kalau makan dalam keadaan rileks dalam rumah, tebu tu biasanya mak buang kulit dengan pisau. Dipotong kecil2 untuk dimakan seisi keluarga.

Kalau kebetulan tebu banyak, nanti mak suruh abang2 beri kat peniaga air tebu untuk dimesin. Selalunya dapat banyak air tebu. Upah mesin murah je.
Time ni lah paling best, sebab boleh menikmati air tebu pure sepuas-puasnya tanpa sedikitpun campuran gula pasir.

Tak sangka, bila baca2, banyak rupanya kelebihan air tebu ni. Selalunya orang Melayu tak galakkan anak-anak perempuan minum air tebu, konon-kononnya tajam. Sementelah nak diberi pada pengidap kencing manis. Tak sangka juga, air tebu boleh membantu pesakit kanser prostat dan payudara.

Sugarcane juice benefits:

  • Since sugarcane juice does not contain any simple sugars, diabetic people can drink this sweet juice without any fear.
  • Helps keep the urinary flow clear and enables smooth functioning of the kidneys.
  • Consuming this juice is good for the teeth as it prevents tooth decay.
  • Due to the high potassium content in sugarcane juice, the juice acts as a mild laxative. Moreover, it also helps in good digestion.
  • Sugarcane juice hydrates the body quickly when exposed to prolonged physical activity or high temperature conditions.
  • The high carbohydrate content helps refresh and energize the body instantly. The glucose furnished to the body via consumption of the juice, gets stored in the muscles and then burned to provide instant energy to the body. Read more on how many calories in sugar.
  • Sugarcane juice can cure sore throats, colds and flu.
  • The low glycemic index keeps one's body healthy and fit.
  • Sugarcane juice is alkaline in nature, thus, it is helpful in fighting prostate and breast cancer.
  • Sugarcane juice is sweet, refreshing and is a wonderful substitute for aerated drinks. This helps the body from gaining unnecessary calories.
  • During jaundice, the liver capacity weakens to a great extent. Drinking sugarcane juice strengthens the liver.
  • Having a concoction of sugar cane juice, coconut water and ginger juice helps micturition, which is caused by hyper acidity.

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